What is Connection Pooling

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  • May 28th, 2005

Connection pooling is the process of reusing the database connections created between the application and the database, by then increasing the performance of the application. 
Suppose, that there is table in the database, called 'employer', if a objects asks the application server to create a connection between the table and the object, the appServer creates, but it does not throw away the connection, it keeps the connection information in a pool, if again the object requires to connect to the table, it doesn't require to create a new connection as the connection available in the connection pool can be reused.Hence increase in performance.

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  • Jun 1st, 2005

Connection Pooling is a technique used for sharing the server resources among requested clients. It was pioneered by database vendors to allow multiple clients to share a cached set of connection objects that provides access to a database.

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  • Jul 13th, 2005

Connection pooling is a place where a set of connections are kept and are used by the different programers with out creating conncections to the database(it means there is a ready made connection available for the programmers where he can use). After using the connection he can send back that connection to the connection pool. Number of connections in connection pool may vary.


  • Jul 24th, 2005

Getting connection and disconnecting are tasks by itself, which costs to the application perfomance, so we should aovid it.  
To be more precise, depending of the Max & Min connections parm set in the specific Appserver config, it intially either gets the min set of ready to connections or would be request based till the max connections are used. Once DB operations are done, the free DB connections are re-used.

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  • Jul 27th, 2005

what is servkets new version?what is difference between old version and new version?

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  • Aug 26th, 2005

Getting connection and disconnecting are tasks by itself, which costs to the application perfomance, so we should aovid it.  
To be more precise, depending of the Max & Min connections parm set in the specific Appserver config, it intially either gets the min set of ready to connections or would be request based till the max connections are used. Once DB operations are done, the free DB connections are re-used.  

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  • Oct 18th, 2005

Connection pooling means set of connections are available to connect, after use this connection, disconnect it then others can use it.It reduce the time, and it can be reusable.Any number of connections can be used by user.

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chandra sekhar jonnalagadda

  • Apr 6th, 2006



       The Connection Creation section described when connections are created. It described how several context instances can share the same connection. In this type of sharing, operations from the different context instances are multiplexed onto the same connection.

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Connection Pooling is like a Library of books from where you borrow books and return after you are done using it for others to use; only in connection pooling instead of books you have connections in library.

This way many people who want to have same resource do not have to buy it individually; hence economical; less cumbersome for service providers.

And like for a successful library of timely circulation of books is a must; connection pooling works only if transactions are quick.

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Usually Acquiring the connection is time consumption task. In order to avoid that situations, we are reusing already created connection objects. This requirement doesnot support DriverManager interface, we have interface DataSource in javax.sql package.

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  • Jun 20th, 2012

Connection pooling is a technique using which we can get the precreated connection object from the connection pool.After using that connection object, the connection object is released to the pool for further use by any other web component.As a result connection object reusability is achieved. For this we are using DataSource interface which represent a factory of Connection object.We are getting connection object using connection pooling technique by using following code .

InitialContext ic=new InitialContext();
DataSource ds=(DataSource)ic.lookup();
Connection con=ds.getConnection();

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