Voyageur Profile Answers by Voyageur Dec 4th, 2007 You can use either IDCAMS, IEBGENER, a SORT utility or a COBOL program, as you wish. Just code the two input GDG files as shown in the SAMPLE1 statement,and code the output statement as shown in the SAMPLE2 statement below://SAMPLE1 DD DSN=node1.node2.node3(n1),// DISP=SHR// DD DSN=node1.node2.node3(n2),// DISP=SHR//SAMPLE2 DD DSN=node1.node2.node3(+1),// DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),// UNIT=SYSDA,// SPACE=(whatever),// DCB=(modeldscbname,RECFM=xx,LRECL=nnn,BLKSIZE=0)You can allocate ALL of the files in a GDG by omitting the version number,as shown in SAMPLE3: //SAMPLE3 DD DSN=node1.node2.node3, <-- note! no (0), (-1), (+1) etc.// DISP=SHRI hope this helps!
How to concatenate two GDG's into single GDG? What are the steps involved?