PS and PDS

What is the difference between PS and PDS ? If a PS file is almost equal to member of a PDS. Then what is the neccerasy to use a PS file.?

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  • Oct 31st, 2007

A group of PS forms one PDS. That is PS will act as one single file and PDS will act as folder which contains many files.

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  • Feb 19th, 2008

PS stands for physical sequential.  Data in these files can be read sequentially by a program.  PDS stands for partitioned data set.  Each member within the PDS can be read as a sequential file if you set up your JCL to reference the specific member.


  • Apr 15th, 2009

I would think if your background is in the PC world, you could view a PDS as a folder and a PS as a file. At times it is useful to group things into a folder rather than having a bunch of separate files.
The advantage of the grouping is that there are utilities that are designed specifically to handle these PDS. You still have data set size limits and each member of the PDS must have the same file characteristics. So you could not combine a member with a lrecl of 1000 and another with an lrecl of 80 (given fixed records).
The main disadvantage that I would consider is that something might tie up that resource and it could be unavailable to another job. Also the recovery in the event of a problem is double edged. You only have to back up 1 data set but if you somehow lose that 1 data set you lose everything...  

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  • Apr 13th, 2010

PS stands for physical sequential. Data in these files can be read sequentially by a program. PDS stands for partitioned data set. The ps is nothing but the simple text or notepad file we can write anything on it. The pds will not cantain any ps files or the ps will not contain any pds files in it.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2011

PS is a flat file and PDS is a group of file

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pawan kumar

  • Dec 2nd, 2011

PS stands for physical sequential which is actually a progm, and pds stands for partitioned data set which contain or collection of ps

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  • Jan 19th, 2012

PS is also called as FLAT file ,/ Sequential file, it is something similar to our notepad file in our windows environment

PS is used to store data , that is almost all the input/output file are PS files

PDS: PDS is called as Partitioned DATA SET, For your understanding this is some thing similar to your note book, each page is called as member of the PDS.

- A PDS can have upto 255 members MAX.

- PDS are used for writing programs/JCLs/Control cards or for storing DBRMs and LOAD modules.

- Almost never we use PDS as input or output files for programs.

- normally we create PDS with logical record length od 80 charecters, all the COBOL, DB2, JCLs or control cards written in 80 charecter legnth format

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The main difference between PS and PDS is were we can store data in a single file in PS and where as in PDS we can store data in multiple files which we also called as members. Yes PS file is almost equal to a member in a PDS. But in few cases we cant able to refer to a member in a PDS and we need to refer to DSN were it was a PS.

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  • Jan 13th, 2015

PS means File
PDS means Folder

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sai prasad

  • Dec 17th, 2015

a. Directory blocks=0
b. It is a file
c. Its memory is not partitioned
d. Records are stored in a file

a. Directory blocks>0
b. It is a folder
c. Its memory is partitioned
d. Members are stored in pds

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