What do you do if you cannot reproduce an issue that's been reported by the customer?

Questions by gaoj414

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Such bugs are usually created in an environment different than the tester's. Also, such bugs can be assigned to developers who support environment bugs. Your best bet is to somehow to find out what operating system the customer is using, including all updates. Ask them what version of IE they are using and if the bug even occured on IE? Were they using Netscape, Firefox or was it Apple's proprietory browser? Chances are that without knowing answers to these questions, you won't be able to reproduce the bug.

Having a screenshot always helps and no matter whom you report the bug to, having a screenshot of the bug will always be beneficial on your side.

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  • Nov 26th, 2007

Verify the following points with the Person/Customer  who has reported the issue.
1) Environment used Hardware, Software .
2) Software, Hardware requirements for the Application.
3) The input data (sample data) used for the same.
4) You can also ask the steps to reproduce the issue.
5) Screen shot / Output, issue details.
6) User details, the user is trained or not etc...

From the above points you can reproduce the issue what is faced by the Customer.

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  • Nov 27th, 2007

Yes Yes Yes,

Software Environment and the Sample data(may be input data) what the customer had given.
Even we can check the requirment of customer.

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If it so i would get more information from the Customer/ Client. Most of the cases it could be found that the issue is due to be in different environmental. So gathering more information from the customer is to solve this problem. Screen shot helps to find more way of helpful to reproduce

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This is a common occurrence between testers and customers.  This problem is generally caused by
1) environmental differences, or an
2) inaccurate or incomplete description of the problem

The best solution is to personally contact the customer (either face-to-face or by phone) and have the customer repeat his steps while the tester asks relevant questions along the way.  If this is not possible, then request more detail to gain a better understanding of the situation. 

Specifically ask for:
1) Version of the target application,
2) Environment considerations - computer, OS (version, updates), browser (version), firewall, etc.,
3) Specifically ask the user to describe every step in detail,
4) Request the input data that the customer used to produce the problem,
5) Request screen shot of the screen in the program where the problem is caused,
6) Request a screen shot of the resulting image after the problem occurs.

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