How will you detect if there is memory leak in your C++ program?

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  • Nov 8th, 2007

Run "Rational Purify", it will show you all the leaks

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  • Nov 26th, 2007


Well, "Rational Purify" is one way. If I was conducting the interview I would ask a contra question immediately asking how to do that if you do not have a port of the tool for the OS (Riviera, Symbian etc.) you are using.
In this case you will need to find a way to precisely measure how much memory you have before and after you run the program. If there is a difference than you have a memory leak. How you do that vary from system to system. You will need to dig yourself in the documents for the system.


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  • Dec 20th, 2007

If you are using new and delete operator, you can overload both the operators and can count number off heap allocation and deallocation. You can also get the __FILE__ and __LINE__ to get to know the file name and line number. Now the new and delete of a memory location should be in pair and if its not there is a memroy leak. By using line and file utility you can reach upto the exact location.

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If memory cannot be allocated dynamically, new throws bad_alloc, such message will be displayed at execution.
If so, then
Use cout statement in destructor to check if it was invoked (i.e. memory deallocated)

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By overloading the new and delete operators, we can find the memory leaks as shown in following program ,

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int count =0;
void * operator new(size_t size)
        cout<<"The size of memory allocated:"<<size<<"byes"<<"n";
        return malloc(size);
void operator delete(void * mem)
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //int length = sizeof("Santhosh");
    char* Name = (char*)operator new (sizeof("HelloWorld"));
    operator delete(Name);
    cout<<"The number of memory leaks:"<<count;

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