Why Java is secured compare with other languages? Explain with example.

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In Programming languages like C++ the memory management is handled by the user like deleting objects once the object is no more useful is the programmers responsibility.  Whereas in java its automatically done ie Garbage collection.
Also java has eliminated pointers which can create a lot of unwanted and confusing memory references resulting in memory waste.

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  • Dec 2nd, 2007

Another reason is byte code is executed under JAVA Runtime Environment. which has several Security related checking, (particularly when related to file access Programs). It is more secure.

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  • Dec 4th, 2007

The main reason behind the java's security are ......
1) no readability i.e., contains byte code understandable to only JVM
2) no virus will infect the byte code. Even if the virus entered into byte code the jvm doesn't understand it, so jvm keeps these instructions as it is. No executable code will be generated to this virus.

Java is more secured programing language, because Java byte code for this code virus cannot infect, It maintaines number of secure checking points but in other language which will be in the form of exe format, virus can easily infect the exe, img, bat files so Java is more secured programing language



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First of all Java is Object Oriented Programing Language and Java supports
for Internet and Networking-based Applications, its is more secured then the
other languages like C, C++. Another reason is byte code is executed under JAVA
Runtime Environment. which has several Security related checking, . It is
understandable by JVM only. Regarding this very difficult to Trap the Internet
and Network based Applications by the Hackers, This is one of the reasons for
using Java

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  • Jul 29th, 2008

Before talking about secure , let us compare the difference between C and Java.

First a C program is coverted as shown below

C(sourcecode) --> compiler---> compiles to binary (101010)---> OperatingSystem--->executes the program

As we can see the Operating system directly interacts with the binary file generatd by C compiler. If this binary file (which is .exe file) is infected with virus it will definetly effect Operating system

Now let us see in Java

java(source code) --> compiler---> compile to bytecode(.class file)--->JVM --->converts/executes to binary(001010)--->Operatingsystem--->executes

The Byte code goes through JVM and only JVM can convert byte code to machine readable form that is binary. The virus cannot go inside JVM and manipulate the binary. Immediately after the binary file is generated it is executed by Operating system and hence it is 100% secure

prachi patil

  • Oct 24th, 2016

Java: The Most Secure Programming Language?

What makes Java the most secure programming language? Or is it really so? We will discuss the same in this blog. If you wish to make a career in Java programming, join Java developer course.

You can choose from a variety of Java courses. Go through their curriculum.

Prominent security features of Java.

1. Security manager
2. Security API’s.
3. No usage of pointers.
4. Way of garbage collection
5. JVM:

Get to learn more details about these by doing a Java programming course.

Now; the vulnerability part. Java is absolutely a safe platform. A portion of the previously mentioned data may explain to you why numerous experts trust that it is the most secure programming language. When you examine by and by, you unquestionably discover highlights that are remarkable. Be that as it may, you are the best judge and ought to take a choice on the premise of what you believe is most reasonable to your project venture.

So, to be eligible to get Java jobs, you can do a Java certification course. It would add a value to your CV.

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