If we design a car what factors should be kept in the mind. Drag force or the tyre shape or about the centrifugal force? What should be the turning radius?

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Hi ..
centifugal force keep the vihcle moving in straight line...
and there r various kinds of drag force like brake drag. clutch drag and air drag

so while designing of a vehicle we need to worry about tire angles not tire shape.
and we have to fix it in such a way that the centifugal force and drag force are in their limits

tire angles like( betn tire and road. toe angle, slip angle, .. i dont know there r 4-5 more angles)

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when designing a car there are many things that are to be considered..the main thing that is to be considered is the aeronautics of it. the drag, lift, thrust etc and the second main thing is something called as steering geometry which comprises of angles like caster, camber, toe, slip etc. these are the primary things and apart from the various commercial factors such as the cost, the terrain it is to run on, the category if it is coupe or saloon or hard top, soft top, suv and things like that.so the primary thing in design is the aerodynamic forces and steering geometry.

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rajat singh shishodia

  • Jan 22nd, 2016

According to me while design of an car we must look about the forces will act open it because forces act in 3 ways suddenly, continuously, partially after that the heat produced by the fuel and engine and also friction, and design must be according to centrifugal forces acting on it, in India the design must be made in 1st angle or 3rd angle. Design does not means only design it also means an isometric view of the thing which we are making for.

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