Is possible to increase the voltage without using transformer? why?

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • Oct 4th, 2007

It is not possible to increase or decrease voltage without a transformer.
However it can be varied to certain extent that too upto (1-2)V using voltage regulator. In a transformer electromagnetic induction effect is used which helps to vary the voltage to a large extent depending on number of primary and secondary turns. 

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  • Nov 28th, 2007

It is possible to increase voltage without a transformer.

With a DC source - active Charge pump circuit.
With a AC source - Cockroft-Waton Diode Voltage Multipliers  (just a passive charge pump)


  • Nov 7th, 2011

we can step up and down dc voltage using chopper circuit

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I went through all answer, seems all are correct.... But lemme be more precise..

Except transformer.....

1. CHOPER: It is said to be DC equivalent of AC transformer, so can be used to increase and decrease voltage.

2. CLAMPING CIRCUIT: made with the help of diode and capacitor, voltage can be doubled or tripled

3. Amplifier circuit(like common base NPN transistor): a few voltage signal can be amplified to large voltage signal.

4. INDUCTOR COIL(choke coil of fluorescent light ): It is used for providing high voltage(1200v) across lamp so that gas inside gets ionised and cathode ray start passing through tube.

5. FERRANTI EFFECT(as mentioned above by someone )....

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