Why do we need tester if testing can be done by developers?

This question was asked in SAP Labs interview.

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The Problem is with developer is they are thinking the application in Technical way.  and they are not much bother about the Quality. so if u need high end quality then we need a expert that which he can check with all the client requirements is fullfilling the application and moreover developer cant think in end user perceptive.so then sopecific testing team is required for checking all the functionalities working or not.

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  • Sep 24th, 2007


Even though the developer test the program, It is better to test the program by separate team that ensures that the software product works as per requirements. this way, the software is observed by different pairs of eyes. this is similar to a teacher evaluating the answer papers of the student, for correctness.


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  • Oct 10th, 2007

I am trying to give you the Live Scenario Example.
If somebody Make a "TEA" that person (construtor)will never say that its taste is bad, because his hardwork is there in making a tea, so he will always ask some other person about the taste,
Same is the case with Developer

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Developers and Testers do different kinds of testing.

Generally, Unit and Integration testing are done by Developers.

Testers do BVT, Functional, Exploratory, Regression and Performance Testing.

They both do testing, but the type of testing performed by each party differs immensely.

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Granted, developers test their code, but their motivations are much different than testers.  It is the developer's role to ultimately design something that works.  However, it is the role of testers to discover flaws in that design.  Consequently, even though developers perform their unit and integration tests, they are less motivated and less apt to discover defects in their own design.

Testers don't need to divide their time between development and testing, so much more time and effort can be applied toward defect discovery.  As a result,
testers spend much more time and effort performing their BVT Functional Regression Exploratory and Performance Testing.  Moreover, unlike developers, testers often approach the product from a customer vantage point. 

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