On a IBM mainframe running the z/OS operating system, how do you create a temporary dataset and why would you use one?

Questions by katzzz63

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Sushil Nayak

  • Nov 15th, 2007

I hope the question is for JCL. Nyhow in JCL you just have to write DSN=&&TEMP instead of DSN=XXXX.X.XXXX.XXX. to create a temporary dataset. To use this temporary dataset just use &TEMP wherever you want the use the temporary data. I hope this answers a part of your question.

As far as usage part is concerned. I believe the temporary datasets are generally used to save space allocation and deallocation time. I mean just take a case where a Procedure generates an ouput now you jus need to send the output via some Mailing Procedure you have, right. So just mail that temp. dataset using &TEMP. At the end of the execution the temporary dataset get removed but if i would have used a permanent dataset then i had to use IEFBR14 to delete the file at the end of JCL so as to deallocate the dataset.

Hope you've got wht i'm trying to say


  • Oct 10th, 2008

Just to elaborate on what others have said - Small temporary datasets can be directed to VIOs (Virtual I/O using memory) to elminate most of the delays associated with DASDs.

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The temporary datasets are created by using the option ===>


The PASS is used instead of CATLG, because we need the dataset only for the temporary purpose. The CATLG makes the dataset to get cataloged & creates a vol serial number. The TEMP dataset output can be sent to PDS dataset.



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