What are the key differences between C & C++

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  • Member Since Aug-2007 | Aug 1st, 2007

The main difference between C and C++ are:

1.  C is a procedural language whereas C++ is a non-procedural language.
2.  C gives importance to functions (methods) whereas C++ gives importance to both functions and data.
3.  C allows the data to flow around the functions freely whereas C++ wraps up the data and functions together, due to that datas were not allowed to flow around freely in C++.  This is said to be Encapsulation in C++

Other differences, ( actucally there is lot to mention......here are the two )

1.  C allows struct, union, and enum types to be declared in function prototypes, whereas C++ does not.

2.  A struct, union, or enum declaration in C++ declares an implicit typedef, while in C it does not

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers


  • May 5th, 2005

C is Structured Programming language; 
C++ is Object Oriented Programming language

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  • Aug 1st, 2007

Here are the two main difference between C and C++:

1.  C is a procedural language whereas C++ is non-procedural language
2.  C gives mostly importance to functions whereas C++ gives importance to both functions and data

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  • Aug 1st, 2007

Othere differences:

1.  C allows struct, union, and enum types to be declared in function prototypes, whereas C++ does not.

2.  A struct, union, or enum declaration in C++ declares an implicit typedef, while in C it does not

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The main difference between C and C++ are:

1.  C is a procedural language whereas C++ is a non-procedural language.
2.  C gives importance to functions (methods) whereas C++ gives importance to both functions and data.
3.  C allows the data to flow around the functions freely whereas C++ wraps up the data and functions together, due to that datas were not allowed to flow around freely in C++.  This is said to be Encapsulation in C++

Other differences, ( actucally there is lot to mention......here are the two )

1.  C allows struct, union, and enum types to be declared in function prototypes, whereas C++ does not.

2.  A struct, union, or enum declaration in C++ declares an implicit typedef, while in C it does not

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