What are the main issues while working with flat files as source and as targets ?

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We need to specify correct path in the session , and mension either that file is 'direct' or 'indirect'. keep that file in exact path which you have specified in the session .


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  • Mar 28th, 2008

1. We can not use SQL override. We have to use transformations for all our requirements
2. Testing the flat files is a very tedious job
3. The file format (source/target definition) should match exactly with the format of data file. Most of the time erroneous result come when the data file layout is not in sync with the actual file.
   (i) Your data file may be fixed width, but the definition is delimited----> truncated data
    (ii) Your data file as well as definition is delimited but specifying a wrong delimiter (a) a delimitor other than present in actual file or (b) a delimiter that comes as a character in some field of the file--->wrong data again
    (iii) Not specifying NULL character properly may result in wrong data
    (iv) there are other settings/attributes while creating file definition which one should be very careful 
4. If you miss link to any column of the target, then all the data will be placed in wrong fields. That missed column wont exist in the target data file.

Please keep adding to this list. There are tremendous challenges which can be overcome by being a bit careful.

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