How many types of sortings are there in C? What are they

Showing Answers 1 - 13 of 13 Answers


  • Aug 30th, 2007

There are 3 types of sorting
1 Insertion Sorting
2 Selection Sorting
3 Bubble Sorting

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  • Jul 1st, 2010

There are an effectively unlimited number of ways of sorting, pretty much all of which can be implemented in C.  The question, really, is "how many sorting algorithms are there", to which there is no definitive answer, as the number changes.

Some popular ones include merge sort, quick sort, heap sort and shell sort.  Less popular (by usage, although very popular for teaching) is bubble sort. 

Then there's my personal favorite, the bogosort, which is most easily explained in terms of a deck of cards: throw them in the air, pick them up blindly and look at them.  Are they sorted?  No?  Throw them in the air again.  Repeat until sorted.  :)

Pick up a decent book on sorting algorithms (or algorithms in general) and it should list at least a half dozen, likely with complete explanations of when and when not to use them.

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Basically sorting are of two types only :-

A.Position Based
 1.Selection sort
 2.Radix sort
 3.Bucket sort, etc.

B.Comparison Based
 1.Bubble sort
 2.Quick sort
 3.Merge sort
 4.Binary sort,etc.

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  • Jul 14th, 2011

There are in total 16 types of Sortings....

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