Does Cognos 8.2 have the capability to mouse over a data field to allow a field definition to appear?

For instance, excel has a note indicator that signals to the user that there is a note or text item that is displayed if you hover over the cell. I am interested in adding a similar capability in my Cognos report design to help non-frequent data users to understand what they are looking at.
If this is a functionality, then please describe how it is done (i.e. Toolbox, etc.).

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  • Nov 14th, 2008

Yes, Cognos 8.2 have the capability of mouse over a data field like tooltip, changing colors when ever mouse move to the dataitem.

I am going to describe the tooltip. For example:
Suppose we can take the list report with single item and take html item to the both sides of the item and put the below one and after that run it you can found in Cognos viewer the mouse over option.

<a title="Order number">Orderitem</a>


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