What is RTM?

Questions by rajeshstp

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Aug 21st, 2007

It is nothing but Requirement Tracebillity Matrix

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  • Aug 23rd, 2007

RTM is the Requirement Traceability Matrix. By using RTM we can ensure that we have covered all the functionalities in the Test coverage. RTM is a document that traces the requirements from analysis through implementations.RTM can be used as completeness check to verify that all the requirements are present and there is no unnecessary/extra feature and as a maintenance guide for new personnel.


  • Sep 25th, 2007

This is nothing but Requirement Tracebility matrix. This is a cross matrix traces a requirement through each stage of requirement gathering process. High level concepts should match to the scope item which will map to individual requirement , which will map to correspondance function.This matrix should taken into acount if is there any change in the life line of the project. At the end of a project, this matrix should show each function built into a system, its source and the reason that any stated requirements may not have been delivered.


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  • Jul 27th, 2011

RTM: Requirements traceability matrix
Difference between test cases and requirements.
Then it shows all the functionality in project.

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Samrat Biswal

  • Feb 23rd, 2012

RTM: Requirement Traceability Matrix is a deliverable document to client which shows the mapping of Test cases/Conditions to requirement.It shows the confirmation to client that test team has covered all the requirement provided by client.

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Dillip Palai

  • Mar 22nd, 2012

Requirements tracing is the process of documenting the links between the user requirements for the system you're building and the work products developed to implement and verify those requirements. These work products include Software requirements, design specifications, Software code, test plans and other artifacts of the systems development process.

Requirements tracing helps the project team to understand which parts of the design and code implement the users requirements, and which tests are necessary to verify that the users requirements have been implemented correctly.

Requirements Traceability Matrix Document is the output of Requirements Management phase of SDLC.

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