LoadRunner Function for Manual Correlation

Explain the function for manual correlation.

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Sep 17th, 2007

Its not really a function as per se; it is a process, method or concept of capturing dynamic data resulting from the server responses and resuing it in the script (as compared to parameterization).  The best training material for correlation (maunal or auto) is its documentation that comes together with the installer, or you can sign up for an account with the mercury/hp support and access the KB article 11806 which discuss the concept at a deeper level. 

For myself, I documented in my old site a little bit of details of the concept:
http:// loadrunnertnt.blogspot . com/2007/05/scripts-auto-or-manual-correlation . html

LoadRunner TnT @ loadrunnertnt . com

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Capturing dynamic values in server response is called correlation. we can do it in 2 ways
1.Manual correlation
2. Auto Correlation

Manual Correlation syntax:

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  • Apr 3rd, 2008

Sometimes "Scan for Correlation" fails to find values that must be correlated for proper playback. Example: The server returns to the browser a time stamp, formatted as 12:13:14. JScript in the browser reformats and sends it to the server on the next request as 121314.
Scan for correlation will never find this. The string from the server must exactly match the string to the server. In such a case, manual correlation is the only solution.


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  • Sep 14th, 2009

Manual Correlation can be done in 3 ways

1) SnapShot Comparison
2) Vuser(Script) Comparion
3) Manual Check

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m tulasi ram

  • Oct 17th, 2018

web_reg_save_param("param name","LB=","RB=",LAST);
LB= left boundary of the dynamic value.
RB=right boundary of the dynamic value.

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