How do you implement arraylist without using collection framework?

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Shipra Jain

  • Nov 19th, 2007

First of all, you create an arraylist and after that you  can perform adding, modifying, deleting data in this arraylist. This will work without collection framework

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/* This only adds & removes the elts from an arraylist */
class myArrayListSecond
 private static int maxsize;
 private static Object data[];
 private static int index;

 public myArrayListSecond()
  maxsize = 5;
  data = new Object[5];

 public void add(Object obj)
  int totalelts = index + 1;
  // 1. if size is exceeding then increase the size (call reallocate method)
  // 2. increment the index
  // 3. add the current element
  if (totalelts == maxsize)
  data[index] = obj;

 public void reallocate()
  // 1. Store the value of maxsize in another variable (oldsize)
  // 2. increment the value of maxsize by 5
  // 3. Allocate a new array of objects of maxsize (newdata)
  // 4. Copy the contents of data array into newdata
  // 5. Finally assign the reference of newdata to data
  int oldsize = maxsize;

  maxsize = maxsize + 5;

  Object newdata[] = new Object[maxsize];
  for (int i=0;i<oldsize;i++)
   newdata[i] = data[i];
   data = newdata;

 public void remove(int pos)

  // 1. Check whether the position exists in the array or not
  // 1-->1. if pos > index then deletion not possible
  // 1-->2. if pos < index then deletion is possible
  // 2. To delete the element at that pos start a loop from that position & shift all the elements at right
    // to the left 
  // 2-->1.Finally decrement the value of index after iteration stops

  if (pos > index)
   System.out.println(" Deletion not posssible ");

   System.out.println(" elt at " + pos + " is " + data[pos]);

   for (int i=pos;i<=index;i++)
    data[i] = data[i+1];

 public static void disp()
  int totalelts = index + 1;


  System.out.println(" The total number of elements are " + totalelts);


  System.out.println(" The size allowed is " + maxsize);


  System.out.println(" The contents of the ArrayList are ");

  for (int i=0;i<totalelts;i++)
class myArrayListMain
 public static void main(String[] args)
  myArrayListSecond arrlist = new myArrayListSecond();

  String s1 = new String("a");  // index 0

  String s2 = new String("b");  // index 1

  String s3 = new String("c");  // index 2 

  String s4 = new String("d");  // index 3

  String s5 = new String("e");  // index 4

  String s6 = new String("f");  // index 5

  String s7 = new String("g");  // index 6

  String s8 = new String("h");  // index 7

  String s9 = new String("i");  // index 8

  String s10 = new String("j"); // index 9

  String s11 = new String("k"); // index 10

  String s12 = new String("l"); // index 11

  String s13 = new String("m"); // index 12

  String s14 = new String("n"); // index 13

  String s15 = new String("o"); // index 14

  String s16 = new String("p"); // index 15

  System.out.println(" Elements before deletion are ");











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