What is context in Business Objects and their usages?

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  • Jul 26th, 2007

Context can be used to resolve loops in the universe
A context is a rule by which designer can decide which of two paths to choose when more than one path is possible from one table to another

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  • Feb 17th, 2011

Hi Rajesh;

Context is the sets of join path for one table to another table. During the schema loop occur so, we need to solve the loop to get the proper result. context is the way to solve the loop to define the path where more then one path is exist for the same query.

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Context is a method by which designer can decide which path to choose when more 

than two path possible from one table to another table. Context is used to resolve the

loops in universe.

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Ravi Teja N

  • Sep 16th, 2011

Context is a mechanism used in Business Objects.We come across this word in Universe design.It is mostly used to resolve the loop problem.Basically, Loops can be solved by the alias concept.Some loops cannot be solved only be aliasing the table.There we get this context concept. Now the context means dividing it in a meaningful way.

In universe, we create a context by Insert --> context. Then you will get a dialog box there you need to define the path and name it.By that the loop problem is solved.The context will be taken care by the tool itself.

Suresh Babu.M

  • Jul 11th, 2012

Context is set of joins through the tables which has a some
functionality served.These are used to resolve loops.
If the same join is used in two contexts ,then any
dimension or measure using the contexts would result in the
popping up of those two contexts in the webbi reports ,so
we should be careful in creating the contexts.

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Suresh Babu

  • Jun 13th, 2016

Universe Level: Context is nothing but a path to solve join problems.
Ex: sales context, purchases context.
Report Level: here terminology will change. To add dimension/measure objects into calculation contexts to show relevant information into tab/chart.
Ex: input context (foreach(), in()), output context( Forall()).

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  • Jul 4th, 2016

Context is a rule in BO which of two paths can be choosen if there is more than one path. Contexts are used to resolve loop problems in universe.

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  • Aug 22nd, 2016

In BO, Context is nothing but query travelling path.
In Webi it is a calculation

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  • Jan 15th, 2018

Context is a collection of joins in universe, which is generates a Query in Business Objects.

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