What are the drawbacks of adhoc testing? Suggest way to overcome them.Suppose a tester believes a unit contains a specification defect. Which testing strategy would be best to uncover the defect and why?

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Adhoc testing done when without creation of test plan and test cases
from this if it generates an error you cant come to know that  that is an error and you dont know what type of input it should be accept and not to accept from this it may error you didnt come to know.

one thing in testing the apllication believe is not working here. you need confirmation if u have confirmation just assign as a bug.

strategy of testing is always find more no of errors and what ever the strategy approachs are their to find more no of errors to cover/find  

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The Drawbacks of the Adhoc testing is that testing any module with out following any test plans or documents it dcreases the quality of the product and the risk of the bugs in the module increases by the increase of the releases.
To overcome from the problems of the Adhoc testing just follow atleast few strategies and the test plans created by the manager and the testing people.

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