Whats are KFF and DFF?

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Gopal Patil

  • Aug 6th, 2007

These are basically flexible fields

KFF - Key flex field
Which builds unique entity identifiers (Data stored in the SEGMENT fields.)

DFF - Descriptive flex field
To sore the additional information (Data stored in ATTRIBUTES fields)

DFF(Descriptive FlexField)
It is used to capture extra info from end user without changing form code and without altering database table

KFF(Key FlexField)
It is used to capture the company key info

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DFF's are used to store the extra info in the form
whereas KFF's are used to store the company key info,it is in code language

DFF's data are stored in the Attributes
and KFF's data are stored in the segments

In apps 15 attribute columns are reserved for the DFF's data
and for KFF's 30 segment columns are reserved for KFF's(but it is not mandatory,It is based on the requirement)

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