When a database is started, Which file is accessed first?

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  • Jul 16th, 2007

To Start an instance, oracle server need a parameter file which contains information about the instance, oracle server searchs file in following fashion:-
1) SPFILE ------ if finds instance started .. Exit
2) Default SPFILE -- if it is spfile is not found
3) PFILE -------- if default spfile not find, instance started using pfile.
4) Default PFILE -- is used to start the instance. 

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you want to starting up a database by using STARTUP command....


to start instance, database must read the intialization parameter from either a server parameter file(SPFILE)or a traditional text intialization parameter file.

When you isssue the STARTUP command, by default the database reads the intialization parameter file from a server parameter file(SPFILE) in platform specific default location.

In the platform specific default location, Oracle database locates your initialization parameter file by examining the file names in the following order:

1. First reads the spfileSID.ora file.....

for example...SID is ORCL....then SPFILEORCL.ORA

If not found this file....
2. reads the following file name

If not found SPFILE.ORA...., then


here SID is ORCL (for Example)


If read the initialization parameter from the traditional text intialization parameter file, by using STARTUP command with PFILE clause...

STARTUP PFILE=/u01/oracle/dbs/init.ora

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