What is difference between Translate table and Prompt table?

Questions by ily_saravanan   answers by ily_saravanan

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Jul 30th, 2007

There are few differences between Translate tables and prompt tables

1. Translate tables have a max lenght of 4 char for each element. But prompt table elements have no such limitation.

2. There can be only 30 entries in a translate table. where as prompt table can have n number of entries.


  • Sep 30th, 2007

There are few differences between Translate tables and prompt tables

1. Translate tables have a max length of 4 char for each element. But prompt table elements have no such limitation.

2. There can be only 30 entries in a translate table, where as prompt table can have n number of entries.

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  • Jan 10th, 2008

Another major difference is that translate values have to be added through the App Designer, while prompt table values may be modified when users add data to the system, depending on the table or view used as the prompt table.


  • May 8th, 2008

Prompt Table are used to provide user's with validate values fromother tables, their values are generally populated by system users and are often application specificTrnslate Table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of four characters or less.The translate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective dated.

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Translate table: These values are stored on a people tools table called XLATTABLE. The field type should be character, length should be < or = 4, field values should be static. We can give more than one value for a particular field.

Prompt table: Is used to provide users with validate values from other tables. Prompt table with edit, prompt table with no edit.

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