What is hot deployment?

Questions by deepti_charolkar

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A web server is a simple jvm which has all the servlets, jsps and other server side components loaded in it. So in the development process if you make any change in the servlet or a jsp or other server side component which is already loaded in the container you may need to redeploy the application or restart the web server which is expensive in terms of time. So all the web servers are providing the hot deployment feature where in we can change the server side component and the container will load the new component automatically. 
   The container will be polling a pirticular folder and starts deploying if any new application is copied into that folder. It also maintains the time stamp of the application deployed and redeploys it whenever it fiinds any change in the timestamp. This feature is called hot deployment. This will be helpfull in the development time but has to be avoided in the production environment for performance issues.


  • Mar 4th, 2008

if we made some chage in web.xml and chang reflect in progm wdout server restrt thn its called hot deployment

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