What is meant my datarow versioning in ADO.Net. Where it is used?

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  • Member Since Jan-2008 | Jan 30th, 2008

There are 3 versions for each DataRow object.

The HasVersion( ) method of the DataRow can determine whether a specific version of the row exists. If the version exists, column values for it can be retrieved using one of the three overloads of the DataRow indexer

The Original version contains the values that were loaded into the row.

The Current version contains the latest version of the data, including the changes made since the data was originally loaded. The Original version isn't available for newly created rows.

A Proposed row version is made available while the row is in edit mode and contains the changes that have been made to the row while it was in edit mode

If CancelEdit( ) , RejectChanges() methods are called, the values in the Proposed version are simply discarded

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There are 3 versions for each DataRow object.

The HasVersion( ) method of the DataRow can determine whether a specific version of the row exists. If the version exists, column values for it can be retrieved using one of the three overloads of the DataRow indexer

The Original version contains the values that were loaded into the row.

The Current version contains the latest version of the data, including the changes made since the data was originally loaded. The Original version isn't available for newly created rows.

A Proposed row version is made available while the row is in edit mode and contains the changes that have been made to the row while it was in edit mode

If CancelEdit( ) , RejectChanges() methods are called, the values in the Proposed version are simply discarded

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