How can we check the amount of free space available for a VSAM dataset?

Questions by kanchhana   answers by kanchhana

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It depends on how the DS was allocated. Was it in a storage pool? Or did it contain a list of eligable DASD volumes? How much space is left in that pool or list of volumes? How large were the primary & secondary extents defined? How many extents is it using right now?There are many qualifications that can cause a VSAM file to be 'full'. I.E. Running out of extents, running out of available DASD, run out of VTOC space, etc.Without knowing the specifics, it's very difficult to answer that question.


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For any information related to VSAM dataset, we can code LC(LISTCAT) before the name of dataset. then it will display the entire information about that particular VSAM dataset.

for space used....
it will give like...

Total spce used : 45 tracks
Total Space allocated : 50 tracks.

please let me know, if it have any another way to find the freespace.

Sai krishna Yadav. Jinka

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