1)How to send universe from Development to Production?2)How to send reports from Development to Production?3)There are 2 tables...table 1 and table 2....suppose if table 1 shows some times shows 5 rows an some other time it shows 50 rows...if there is no sufficient space in table 2 for 50 rows then how can this issue be solved??How can we stop overlapping?4)If there are 50 objects ina an universe...suppose if we want to change the objects from varchar to numeric then how can it be modified..where we have to change this?5)One report is there and after running the report,it always displays the message called partial result so to what should be done to stop displayingthar msg?6)To resolve the loop,why cant we choose context..why we are using alias to do that?7)suppose there is an object called empno and first it is kept that as varchar in universe and suppose if we want to change that varchar to numeric,then how to reflect that change?

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • May 25th, 2007

Standard approach would be to create one Business Objects repository (*.key file). Within this repository create one universe domain for Dev, one for Test, one for Production (do the same for document domains).

The Business Objects repository should be hosted on a production server on a production DBMS (such as Oracle, IBM UDB, MS SQL server, etc.).

Via Business Objects Supervisor:
- Grant users only access to the Production universe domain and Production document domain.
- Grant developers only access to the Dev universe domain and Dev document domain.
- Grant test users only access to the Test universe domain and Test document domain.

Create a special user ID which has access to all universe and document domains for migration. With this user ID you will have to choose from which domain you import universes or documents, and when you export a universe or document you just specify the target domain (for example Test or Prod).

You could create separate Business Objects repositories (different *.key files) for Dev, Test, and Production, but migration from Dev --> Test --> Production will be more cumbersome and is only recommended under very special circumstances, because of the increased maintenance.

Reading up on the Business Objects Supervisor guide and maybe taking a training class would be a good thing to do as well.

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I don't know whether the answer given by Bandaru is correct or not. But seems it is based on BO 6.X version  or earlier. There is nothing like Supervisor in BO XIR2. So is above answer is correct for BOXI R2 version as well ???  Hope to get answer.

I can give answer for Q6. I think.  Solving loop by giving Alias for dimension is easy rather than using context. If we use context to solve loop there will be different paths to retrive data to create report. When user wants a report based on that universe, after refreshing BO will ask the desired path to create report. In this case user will be confused. Universe is supposed to not reveal technical difficulty of database to the user.

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  • May 24th, 2008

1 &2 ) In our scenario will maintain only one copy of the universe and whatever the changes we need to add, will do that in dev and then will export it to repository. the admin will migrate the copy of the universe from dev repository to production repository. Same for documents also.

4) as far as I know you can  edit the objects in the universe pane and change it.
5) in the universe parameters file u can change the setting something called limit the extracted rows to, by changing the setting , the report will display ful data.

6) there is no hard and fast rule that u have to apply only context or only alias, but people says when there is only one lookup table (lookup table means which have one end joins) then its better to go for creating alias, otherwise contaxt is better.

7) edit the properties of that particular object in universe pane and change it.

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