What is a canvas-view?

 A  canvas-view  is  the background object on which you layout the interface items  (text-items,  check boxes, radio groups, and so on.) and boilerplate objects  that  operators  see  and  interact with as they run your form. At run-time, operators can see only those items that have been assigned to a specific canvas.  Each canvas, in term, must be displayed in a specific window.

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  • Feb 14th, 2008

CANVAS VIEWPORTS (VIEWS)The terms “canvas view” and “viewport” are synonymous. The viewport refers to the area of the canvas that is visible to the user. What this means is that the canvas object itself is not always entirely visible; only the area defined by its viewport is visible. Returning briefly to the painter’s canvas analogy, think of a painting with a wide wooden frame. The frame obscures the edges of the canvas, but the center of the canvas, the part with the painting, is visible. Think of the part that is visible as the viewport.The size of the canvas and the size of its viewport are determined by properties.

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