If in a company a each module of the project is being allocated to 2 groups. Both the groups have completed their respective modules but when they try to integrate the 2 modules error is generated. What should be done to overcome this?

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praveen kumar

  • May 16th, 2007

The answer is that before integrating the original modules suppose think that the modules are m1, m2. before integrating m1 with m2 first develop the stubs and drivers and then test stubs with m1 and stubs with m2 (or) drivers with m1, drivers with m2, then check that in which module the actual error is finded and go for rectification process and then go for integrating the original modules. In this way only the companies are tracing the problems to find the errors in integrating the modules.

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I feel the question itself is wrong

##if in a company a each module of the project is being allocated to 2 groups..##

How each module of project can assign to 2 grps???

If 2 diff modules are assigned to 2 diff groups, first they will do the module testing, once their testing was over then the next step is Integration testing, here modules needs to be integrated and need to test data flow from one module to another module....

Then we can over come the issues


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