What is link test and it's usage in silk test

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  • Apr 26th, 2007

Link tester is a tool within silktest that you can invoke to Identify problems with hyperlinks on the webpage or site.
You can specify that Link Tester test the links on only a single web page, or all links from a top level page down as many levels of the web site hierarchy as you want.
Link tester goes thru each link in the web page to check if it works.
It saves time because in the normal scenario you would go about clicking each link on the site and recording it, where as link tester does it by itself.

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Link Tester is a tool you can invoke from within Silk Test and use to
identify problems with hyperlinks in web sites/pages. Link Tester tests both
standard hyperlinks, which link pages or an image to a URL, and visible links,
which are links that exist on a web page but are not displayed in a certain
context, for example image rollovers. Link Tester looks for links specified by
the following tags:

  • HREF, indicating a hyperlink to another HTML file

  • SRC, used in the IMG tag to identify the image to display and in the
    FRAME tag to identify the file to display in a frame.

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