How to configure a join?

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  • Sep 24th, 2007

Before creating join you should know about what's type of relationship you've to create like 1:1 or M:1. Mostly we are creating M:1. After these, you just analyse which is source field and which is destination field. It means what is the parent BC and Chile BC? Which one act as foreign key to target BC (Parent BC).

How to configure source and destination?

* First We've to create Join name, alias name and Outer Join Flag (If you need)

Then you've to give following things like this:

* First we are going to check table level relationship whether it's there or not?
* Which Parent column acts as a foreign key is in child table
* Then you are going to check that column in field of Child BC.
* That name is called as a foreign key
* primary id of parent BC its called primary key.


  • Sep 26th, 2009

First of all, a join is between a BC and a table (not 2 BC).
When we require to add data to a column not in the base table of our BC (or in
extension tables in case of Party entity), we create a join.
First we need to identify the column where we need to place our data in the
joined table then a relation between our base table and joined table , on basis
of which our data would be retrieved when we query for record of base BC. The
relation is specified in join specification sub object of the BC and it contains
of source field (parent BC) and test.coloumn (joined table).

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