What is the difference between Supplier and Vendor?

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  • Aug 14th, 2007

Supplier -> Can provide the material as per indent.
Vendor -> Can produce & supply the material to the customer.

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  • Oct 29th, 2007

Supplier - Supplier are those which provide  some material to the company but they have not any contract to the company
Vendor - They also provide the material to the company but they have contract to the company


Susil Kumar

  • Jan 17th, 2008

Take a look at the following...
Consider you play the role of a vendor.

Your responsibilities will include:
* Buy a product, sell it to your customer and you still responsible for its

Suppose you are a supplier:
Your responsibilities will include:
* You buy products, keep them. You can sell it. You are no more responsible for its future

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  • Jan 27th, 2008

vendor - An organization that sells something. In this publication, vendor refers to both manufacturers and distributors as long as they sell products to the general public.
supplier - someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity

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When a company needs a product, it places an offer to vendor(s). The vendor(s) on the other hand will place bits (amounts based on quality), this is evaluated by the company and a final vendor selected. At this stage the vendor is considered a prospective supplier yet no contract exist (acceptance is still pending)
A supplier is a vendor who's bit has been accepted hence an offer and an acceptance exist between the two parties as well as other components of a contract are established e.g terms and conditions, a consideration etc.

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  • Aug 18th, 2011

Suppliers: who sells the goods to the vendor whereas vendor sells the material to the client or end customer.for example x company making a component for their vendors.The same vendor sell to their client with OH's

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arpita bharanibharani

  • Feb 27th, 2018

The suppliers are ones, who sell the goods/services to the vendors, and from the vendors, these goods/services are sold directly to the customers.

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