What is the difference between Datastage Server jobs and Datastage Parallel jobs?

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  • May 31st, 2007

Basic difference is server job runs on windows platform usually and parallel job runs on unix platform.

server job runs on on node whereas parallel job runs on more than one node.

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Even the server jobs run on UNIX, most of the major installation are on UNIX platfoam and comming to the differences. There is a major difference in job architecture.

Server jobs process in sequence one stage after other.

While Parallel job process in parallel. It uses the configuration file to know the number of CPU's difined to process parallely.

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Datastage parallel jobs can run in parallel on multiple nodes.  Server jobs do not run on multiple node.

Parallel jobs support partition parallelism(Round robin,Hash,modulus etc.), server jobs don't support this.

The transformer in Parallel jobs compiles in C++.  In server jobs, the transformer is compiled in Basic language.

Both Server jobs and Parallel jobs run on Data Stage server only.

where are server jobs performance is slower than parallel jobs because parallel jobs run on SMP and MPP.

parallel jobs has partition concepts like pipe line partition and parallel partition.

pipeline partition mean when the data is in the pipe line of the two stages if it is not fully complete also it will travel to other stage mean it doesn't wait for the full load of data it will process the data once it is in the pipeline

parallel partition mean suppose if we have 100 records then these 100 can be split into 4 logical node as 25 * 4 then re join them into a dataset hence the performance is high


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