How are the difficulties involved with testing of Mobile and Cellular Handsets overcome by testers?

Questions by SriramKrishna   answers by SriramKrishna

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Nov 21st, 2011

The most common and important difficulties that should be overcome by testers is testing on multiple types of handsets and automation testing.

How can you overcome them?

As a tester you need to make yourself more aware of the automation services/tools to run tests on mobiles handsets.
A smart mobile simulation program is hooked on to the actual (physical) handset at 'device anywhere' site. Companies pay per use or a monthly fee. The UI is like that of a mobile simulator, but the tests run on a phone.
The beauty lies in the variety of mobile phones they offer. I'm no way connected to device anywhere company but I'm a customer who is benefiting from their service. Awesome part is: automation testing on physical devices, how nice does it get?

Knowledge of popular handset used by public will also be of immense help to test mobile applications.

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