What is Equivalence partitioning (EP) and boundary value analysis (BVA) in whitebox testing?

Questions by JohnMathew   answers by JohnMathew

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  • Jul 14th, 2008

Equivalence partitioning: A test strategy used for black box and white box, in which we categorize inputs into several equivalent sets and pick atlease one from each such set. The point here is while categorizing the sets we have to do it in such a way that the entire set behaves in the same way.
Eg: we have input range from 0- 30, we can categorize into 3 sets 0-10, 10- 20, 20-30
From these sets, we can choose 5 from 1st set, 12 from 2nd set and 23 from 3rd set.
We can even make 6 sets of inputs too, it depends on need.

Boundary value analysis (BVA): Another strategy used for both BB and WB, in which we fosus on testing the functionality or chunk of code when dealing with boundary values.
Eg: We can use above example of 0-30 inputs, here as BVA test inputs we chooose -1, 0, 1 as the lower boundary inputs and 29, 30, 31 as upper boundary inputs.
Again, we can increase the range like -2,-1,0,1,2  for lower boundry and for upper boundary also.

I guess i made myself clear.

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Equivalence partitioning (EP) will decides the type of value where as boundary value analysis (BVA) will decides the boundary of that value
ex:write a name? it should be having minimum 3 aharacters and maximum of 10 characters?
soluton: EP [a-za-z] 
              BVA min=3 pass;
min-1=2 fail ;
min+1=4 pass;
max-1=9 pass:

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Equivalence partitioning , a Black box Technique , is done mostly on Data inputs derived from the requirement specification.It is done rarely on Output data.

>The set of input datum are divided into certain classes having equivalent property.
Like : Certain inputs are Valid inputs and others are invalid ones.

>The partitions may done upon different property depending upon the requirements.

>It helps in avoiding Exhaustive testing.

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