Conceptually, INSTEAD OF triggers are very simple. You write code that the Oracle server will execute when a program performs a DML operation on the view. Unlike a conventional BEFORE or AFTER trigger, an INSTEAD OF trigger takes the place of, rather than supplements, Oracle's usual DML behavior. (And in case you're wondering, you cannot use BEFORE/AFTER triggers on any type of view, even if you have defined an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view.) CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER images_v_insert INSTEAD OF INSERT ON images_v FOR EACH ROW BEGIN /* This will fail with DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX if the images table || already contains a record with the new image_id. */ INSERT INTO images VALUES (:NEW.image_id, :NEW.file_name, :NEW.file_type, :NEW.bytes);
IF :NEW.keywords IS NOT NULL THEN DECLARE /* Note: apparent bug prevents use of :NEW.keywords.LAST. || The workaround is to store :NEW.keywords as a local || variable (in this case keywords_holder.) */ keywords_holder Keyword_tab_t := :NEW.keywords; BEGIN FOR the_keyword IN 1..keywords_holder.LAST LOOP INSERT INTO keywords VALUES (:NEW.image_id, keywords_holder(the_keyword)); END LOOP; END; END IF; END;
Once we've created this INSTEAD OF trigger, we can insert a record into this object view (and hence into both underlying tables) quite easily using:
This statement causes the INSTEAD OF trigger to fire, and as long as the primary key value (image_id = 41265) does not already exist, the trigger will insert the data into the appropriate tables.
Similarly, we can write additional triggers that handle updates and deletes. These triggers use the predictable clauses INSTEAD OF UPDATE and INSTEAD OF DELETE.
Why we use instead of trigger. what is the basic structure of the instead of trigger. Explain specific business reason of it's use
Questions by globalanil18 answers by globalanil18