What is the difference between serialization and encoding?

Questions by rajababuk24

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Mar 29th, 2007

Searilization deals with converting objects into streams same as marshaling. mostly it relates with objects, while transfering over network like that. when it comes to encoding it relates with security aspects, data security, converts data into an encoded format which can't be understood to any one, except the decoder. Mostly it relates to data such as text.

Hardev Gangwar

  • Jun 3rd, 2015

1- All three transform data into another format.
2- Both encoding and encryption are reversible.
3- encoding use Algorithm to encode and de-code the data.
4- encryption use Algorithm and key to encrypt and de-crypt the data.
for more info go with below link


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Vasyliy Zvarydchuk

  • Sep 5th, 2015

Encoding is a process of representation some information is optimal format for storing or transmission data. And serialization is representation some object or objects for transmission data between some computer programs. So the difference is:

a. Encoding deals for some data (text, images, videos) but serialization deals with some objects (data structure) in computer program

b. As a rule encoding means compression and encryption some data, serialization doesn’t use compression and encryption.

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