What steps must a team leader take to motivate the team?

Questions by nancyphilips   answers by nancyphilips

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • May 17th, 2007

These are the few steps you should take to motivate the team

1) Don't even think of selling the credit of a team member on your name. Give the credit to individual in team and encourage him/her for the same verbally.

2) In case of some bad reputation comes to your team, try to shield the team members from losing their morals, but do not forget to take or suggest preventive steps to let happen same thing again.

3) Start work by self on some of the tasks which are boring though required (like documentation) before asking team members to do the work.

There are lot many tips like this one, but these few will help get hold of the team.


  • Jan 12th, 2009

You must provide your team with the tools they need to succeed. Be able to answer questions about the tools and processes. Stay on top of training issues and track operators yields and performance.

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  • Sep 2nd, 2009

1. Praise him if he does good job and show your appreciation in time
2. Build up the ownership of team members for the project
3. Let team members know you believe them they can do well
4. Provide any chances to enrich/develop themselves or get promoted, such as
5. Help to solve personal matters if you can
6. Let team members learn something during working continuously, especially
those can help them close to their personal career goals (meet their interest
and requirements).
7. Team building to make good working environment.


  • Sep 9th, 2009

1. Believe in his team.
2. Inspire them.
3. Train them.
4. Role Play.
5. Be a role model.
6. Set SMART targets
7. Recognize and Reward

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A team leader should:
1.  Encourage the team to reach the target.
2.  Inspire them to work as a team and teach them, 1 + 1 = 3 (synergey).
3.  Appreciate the team as an when the days targets are met.
4.  Give few inspiratinal quotes on a daily basis when team meeting is held.
5.  Tell the team that our team is second to none and we shall not take help from other team, but we will help them when requested.

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Miss S

  • Jun 30th, 2011

Believe in my team.
Inspire them by leading by example, people learn more from what we do than what we say.
Recognise and reward.
Constantly emphasize the value that they add to the organise as a whole.
Don't wait, give them feedback on their performance.
Keep them in the loop as to what is happening in the business.

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Shalini Vig

  • Jul 25th, 2011

A leader should always make his/her team feel that the process is in the good shape due to their hard work. Its really necessary to boost team's moral from time to time in order to get best output and performance. Reward is the best way of motivating an employee.

Always acknowledge good work. Support awards always encourage employees for better performance.

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