Oracle referance cursor code

1. Iam looking for sample program for ref cursor. ref cursor can be associated with many select statements and we can use the ref cursor to return the multiple value from the procedure or function. how to use the ref cursor in a program to associate with many select statements.

2. we can't use the %rowtype attribut to return the multiple from the procedure or function instead of ref cursor.
if we can use the %rowtype attribute then what is difference between ref cursor and %row type attribute.

Questions by ily_saravanan   answers by ily_saravanan

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Let me answer your second questin first. Why ref cursor instead of %ROWTYPE.
%ROWTYPE is used for fetches record/row of a single table.
OR in case of columns of different tables then you have to create a RECORD and then used <recordname>%ROWTYPE.

But if you have a cursor which gets data dynamically based on some input parameters and you would like to fetch the record/row then you cannot go for rowtype instead you need a REF CURSOR.
REF CURSORS are used when the query in the cursor needs to be changed dynamically.
Say in a cursor query
CURSOR cur_emp IS
SELECT emp_id,emp_name,emp_address
 FROM <tablename>;

say if the logged in used is a employee then in the above query <tablename> = EMP and if the logged in user is a admin then <tablename> = ADMIN

this can be acheived only through REF CURSOR.

SO in the proc DECLARE section use


v_refcur cur_ref%TYPE;


text_query := 'SELECT emp_id,emp_name,emp_address'
IF (logged_user = 'EMP') THEN
text_from := 'FROM EMP';
text_from := 'FROM ADMIN';

OPEN cur_emp FOR (text_query || ' ' || text_from)
write the code

For futher clarification on the syntax and examples of the code please refer to any PL/SQL text book.


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