What is the difference between Smoke Testing and Adhoc Testing and if you are doing Smoke Testing then why Adhoc Testing?

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  • Mar 8th, 2007

smoke testing is done on the initial build to check wether the build is working initialy ie of basic functionalities and then further testing processes r done
ad-hoc testing is done when there is less time or there is lac of documentation avilable
its having diff methodes like monkey,buddy,pair,ect.

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  • Mar 20th, 2007

basically the adhoc testing is done with past experianceo of test engineers and genarally it is doe due to lack of proper requirements, where as the smoke testing is done to known whether the build obtained is stable or not to perform the testing.

Jaideep singh

  • Mar 26th, 2007

Adhoc Testing is done without Test cases & Test planning.

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  • Jun 13th, 2007

Intially smoke testing is done whether the build is ready for further testing or not.checks the functionality of the build.
Adhoc testing is done when lack of documentation and time.they are like buddy testing,monkey testing all these are adhoc testing

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Smoke testing is done by developer for to verify stability of build before handing over to tester to testing environment.

Adhock testing is a testing technique performed by tester/ test engg in case thay don't have sufficient time or recourse to perform full functional testing.In case of adhock testing tester is not having documentation for peroforming test but it is done based on high priority requirements of users based on risk analysis/ coverage.

prashant mistry

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Smoke testing is conducted by the developers where as Adhoc testing is conducted testers.

Smoke testing is conducted to verify whether all the modules are working fine are not.
Adhoc testing is like system testing but without any proper plan.

Developes conduct smoke testign before releasing the software build to teh testing team,where as adhoc testing is conducted after receving the build from the developers

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Smoke Testing which should reveal simple failures severe enough to reject a prospective software release.which is structured.The tester "touches" all areas of the application without getting too deep, looking for answers to basic questions like, "Can I launch the test item at all?", "Does it open to a window?", "Do the buttons on the window do things?".

Adhoc Testing: Adhoc Testing is a part of exploratory testing. it is not structured. unable to touch all the areas to test. Easy way to find bugs with out planning and documentation. unable to reproduce the bug with steps.

From the points itself u got why we do smoke testing not Adhoc....

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