How will you create multiple rollback segments in a database ?

 Create  a  database which implicitly creates a SYSTEM Rollback Segment in a SYSTEM tablespace. Create a Second Rollback Segment name R0  in the SYSTEM tablespace. Make  new  rollback segment available (After shutdown, modify init.ora file and Start database) Create other tablespaces (RBS)  for rollback segments. Deactivate  Rollback  Segment  R0  and  activate the newly created rollback segments.

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Dec 29th, 2005

  1. Create rollback segment by using command like
    create rollback segment rbs01 tablespace tbs1 storage (initial 1M next 1M optimal 5M minextents 20 maxextents 100)
  2. Edit the database initialization file to include the name of the new rollback segment
    ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS = (rbs00, rbs01)
  3. Stop and restart the database
  4. A rollback segment can be brought online by command
    alter rollback segment rbs01 online

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