What is an Index ? How it is implemented in Oracle Database ?

An  index  is a database structure used by the server to have direct access of a row in a table. An  index  is automatically created when a unique of primary key constraint clause is specified in create table comman (Ver 7.0)

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  • May 28th, 2007


an index like index of book enables the database retreive and present data to end user with ease.An index can be defined as a mechanism for providing fast access to table rows and enforcing constraints

this is just definition i don't know how to implement

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  • Jun 30th, 2007

You can implement index lihe this:
create index [index_name] on [Table_name]

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  • Jul 11th, 2007

Index is a database object, it is used for improve table serarching operation (improve database perfomance), two types of index using oracle 1) bitmap index 2) btree index.

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An index is a database structure used by the server to quickly find a row in a table.
In a relational database the physical location of row is irrelevent-unless, of course, the database needs to find it. In order to make it possible to find data, each row in each table is labeled with ROWid. The row id tells the database exactly where the row is located.

Indexes contain a list of entries; each entry consists of a key value and a rowid The key value is the value of a column in a row or the combination of valuesof columns in a row.

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Indexes are used both to improve performence and to ensure uniquness of a column. Oracle automatically creates an index when a UNIQUE or PRIMARY key constarints clause is specified in a create table command.

We can manually create our own indexes via the create index command.

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