How can we create picklist?

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  • Mar 27th, 2007

 It allows users to populate the fields by selecting values from a  list rather than typing them in a field. Two types are Static & Dynamic, 

Create Static Pick List


Create a field in B.C... Then go to file, new object,

Run the wizard as a (static) pick list

(Project name - B.C Name - Field - Choose Static Pick list (From Static and Dynamic pick list)-

New Pick list (from new and Existing pick list)- Pick list name- select new list value (from new and predefined list of value)-Enter name for List of value - Enter the values - Choose Bounded or un bounded(Check box) -

Finish the process) and then create list or control column - web layout - Compile all...


Create Join and Dynamic Pick list


Find out the Parent and Child B.C’s base table names..

Go to table - Query table name as Parent (Ex: Choose Account and Currency are tables) S_ORG_EXT

Column level foreign key table as S_CURCY

Then find out the foreign key columns (Name)

Select one column name - find the field from B.C paste the foreign key name to the Field column.(Currency code)

Go to join find out whether any joins exists the both tables. if exits use that otherwise create a new one..

Go to join specification create a new one give Name - Source field (Existing foreign key field) - Destination column auto. Created

Create a new field give Name - join (Child table Alias name) - column (from Child)

Then create list or control column ... Edit web usual..

Then go to file, new object,

Run the wizard as a (Dynamic) pick list

(Project name - B.C Name - Field - Choose Dynamic Pick list (From Static and Dynamic Pick list)-

New Pick list (from new and Existing pick list)- B.C (Child) - Field(existing one) –

Name - Field (Created) - Field (existing) - Add - Finished the process.... Compile all..


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