I want to increase the wait time the loadrunner controller uses while waiting for a response from a web service. I'm using loadrunner 8.1. It currently is set to 120 seconds by default. I unchecked the check timeout box and changed all the times to 999. When I run the scenario, it still times out in 120 seconds. What am I missing?

Questions by jamesmc

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Uma Shankar

  • Feb 25th, 2007

If you want increase the time out to 999 please follow the navigations as below:

1. Vugen --> Runtime Settings --> Preferences --> options  and make a changes there 
for example:
HTTP Request Connection timeout(sec) 120 by Deafult
you can make it as a 999 and click on "OK" Button.

if u want to incraese the wiat time what ever the script having you can go for

1. Vugen --> Runtime Settings --> think time --> use random percentage of record think time.

let me know if u have any concerns.

i think it will help you if not let me know your views for my updations. 


  • May 21st, 2007

Use the following steps to prevent Mercury LoadRunner timeout errors if you need greater than 1,000 seconds for a function such as upload to complete

1. Modify Mercury InteractiveLoadRunnertemplateqtwebdefault.cfg. Insert the following:



2. Modify Mercury InteractiveLoadRunnerdatWebAdvancedOpt.txt. Change:


1=”T_COMBOBOX;Web;EnableIPCache;DNS caching;Save a host’s IP address to a cache to conserve time in

subsequent calls to the host.;1;Yes;<Yes;No>”

2=”T_COMBOBOX;Web;HTTPVer;HTTP version;Indicates the version of HTTP used by your application. Select version

1.0 or 1.1.;1;1.1;<1.0;1.1>”

3=”T_COMBOBOX;Web;KeepAlive;Keep-Alive HTTP connections;Allow persistent HTTP connections to enable multiple

requests to be sent over the same TCP connection.;1;Yes;<Yes;No>”

4=”T_EDIT_NUM;Web;MaxConnections;Concurent connections limit;Sets the maximum number of simultaneous keepalive

connections that a Vuser can maintain during script execution;1;4;<0;10>”

5=”T_EDIT_NUM;Web;ConnectTimeout;Connect timeout (seconds);The maximum amount of time in seconds, that a

Vuser waits to connect to a server, before issuing an error.;1;120;<0;10000>”

6=”T_EDIT_NUM;Web;ReceiveTimeout;Receive timeout (seconds);The maximum amount of time in seconds, that a

Vuser waits to receive information from a server, before issuing an error.;1;120;<0;10000>”

7=”T_EDIT_NUM;Web;NetBufSize;Network buffer size; Sets the maximum number of the network buffer that may be

used by the Vuser. The default is 12288 bytes.;1;12288;<0;100000>”

8=”T_COMBOBOX;Web;CacheAlwaysCheckForNewerPages;Cache-Emulate always check for newer


9=”T_EDIT_NUM;Web;PageDownloadTimeout;Page download timeout(seconds);;1;120;<0;32000>”

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