What is Exception Handling in WinRunner

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Exception Handling -- Supressing unexpected popups and error mesages, to run the win runner test scripts without any interrruption.

U can handle these exceptions by using recovery manager or web exception handling or u can define your own TSL exception handling function.

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Anil Maurya

  • Feb 25th, 2007

Basically the exception handling is used in Winrunner to supress the run-time error which occurs while running the TSL script.And to handle these exceptions during runtime we use the Exception handling.....

And there r basically 3 Types of exception handling in Winrunner:=
1.TSl Exception
2.Pop-up Exception
3.object exception

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Anil Maurya

  • Feb 25th, 2007

WinRunner provides these standard functions:


  • exception_off -- Deactivates handling for an exception.
  • exception_off_all -- Deactivates handling of all exceptions.
  • exception_on --- Enables detection and handling of a previously defined exception.

Exceptions can be defined from Tools> Exception Handling. However, I prefer to hard-code define_...exception commands for better maintainability at the sacrifice of run speed.

Trigger TSL function WRUN.INI key
window define_popup_exception( XR_EXCP_POPUP
object define_object_exception( XR_EXCP_OBJ
Return Code define_tsl_exception( XR_EXCP_TSL

In large applications with lots of different errors which can pop up, it many be handy to use a spreadsheet matrix (WR ddt table) to specify the exceptions which are expected from the exceptions which are not expected for each test case -- helpful for thorough testing of exception handling (a task usually too tedious for most developers and even many testers to manually perform diligently).

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Exception Handling is to handle the runtime errors.
There are three types of exception handling techniques.
1. Object
2. Pop-up
3. Tsl

Object oriented exception handling is to handle the windows exceptions.
Pop-up is to handle the application exceptions.
Tsl is to handle the script exceptions.

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Naveen Pathak

  • Mar 12th, 2007

Exception handling can be done by following 4 type of function:
Web_exception_handler_dialog_click_default activates the default button.*Web_exception_handler_fail_retry activates the default button and reloadsthe Web page.* Web_exception_enter_username_password uses the given user nameand password.*Web_exception_handler_dialog_click_yes activates the Yes button.

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  • Nov 24th, 2008

Handling unexpected errors during run time means Excepting Handling....
In winrunner it is explained as Recovery Scenario... there are 3 types of recovery scenario.
1. pop_up event : it used when unexpected pop-up window occurs during run time
2.object event : it used when changes happened in the object properties during execution.
3.TSL event: it occurs if any changes happened in the TSL language script.

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