What is Full Backup ?

A full backup is an operating system backup of all data files, on-line redo log  files  and  control  file  that  constitute  ORACLE  database  and the parameter.

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  • Jan 4th, 2006

A full backup can be consistent and inconsistent backupsConsistent Bakup: When the database is down and the backup of the database taken using the operating system copy command. Most of the times the consistent backup would be taken when the database is not in archivelog mode and also the downtime won't affect the system. In this case one should backup datafiles, redolog files and controlfile.Inconsistent Backup: This type of backup is taken when the database is up and running and the individual tablespaces are kept in backup mode and the the datafiles are copied using the operating system copy command. The database should be in archivelog mode to take this sort of backup. In this case one should backup datafiles, archived redolog files and controlfile.

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  • Jan 20th, 2006

If you are using the Rman for backup then in Rman full backup means Incremental backup on 0 level.

Nathaniel Edwin

  • Feb 16th, 2006

hi...The online redolog files cannot be backup. Only archival files can be backup. otherwise the offline logfiles can be backup.

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monica choudhury

  • Apr 19th, 2006

Plese give the latest update in software, specially in oracle and what course one can do in oracle in order to get an easy job.

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  • Jun 24th, 2006

SO is this same as cold backup . I have taken coldbackup of systems when i bring down the database for copying all the datafiles and the control files.

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Mohammed Abdul Afroze

  • Sep 20th, 2007

A full backup is an operating system backup taken while database is shutdown. And the database may (or) may not be in archivelog mode.

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  • Oct 27th, 2007

The first choice to be made is whether a backup should be of the entire database, or just a part of it.
A full backup is the is a backup of all Datafiles, control files and the spfile. Remember that as all multiplexed copies of the control files are identical, So, it is necessary to backup only one of them. We do not backup the on line Redo logs! Online redo logs are protected by multeplexing, and optionally by archiving. Also, note that only datafiles, for permanent tablespace can be backed up. The tempfiles used for your tablespace cannot be backed up by RMAN, nor they can be put into backup mode for an operating system backup.
A whole backup can be made with RMAN or with operating system commands, while the database is open or closed.
As a general rule, if your database is not running in archive log mode, you must always do whole backups.

Backup tools:
Backup can be made using straight forward operating system utilities, such as copy or winzip or windows, or cp, tar or cpi on Unix. However, oracle strongly recommends
 the use of the Recovery manager(RMAN). RMAN is now its fourth generation originally introduced with release 8.0 and perfectly functional then and it  has been substantilally enhanced through 8i,9i and 10G.

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When using logical backup if we give full=y - that is a full backup.
When using RMAN by default it takes full backup and image copy is also full backup since it contains all blocks used and not used ones. But in RMAN terms full backup is part of incremental backup strategy level 0 is full backup and rest is incremental. We can make image copy as part of incremental backup by using level 0 keyword. The difference between full and whole backup is that full contains all the used locks whereas whole means all datafiles and control file backup.

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