What are the steps involved in Database Shutdown ?

Close the Database, Dismount the Database and Shutdown the Instance

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers

sandeep vig

  • Oct 13th, 2005

u can give either of the four commands depends on the priority

1) shutdown

2)shutdown immediate

3)shutdown transactional

4)shutdown abort

in shutdown abort recoverry is required

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  • Aug 29th, 2006

There are four types of shutdown

Shutdown Normal - Normal is the default mode, here new user can't logon to the database, but the current user can start the new transaction and work till he wants, the database shutdown only after the last user logs off.

Shutdown Transactional - here new user can't logon to the database, and the current user can't start the new transaction, once the current transaction complets, database shutdown.

Shutdown Immediate - here new user can't logon to the database, user can't start the new transaction, the current transactions rolls back, and database shutdown.

Shutdown Abort - here new user can't logon to the database, user can't start new transaction, the current transaction is not rolled back, database shutdown's.

While shutting down oracle updates data file header and control file with the current checkpoint informanation, Except Shutdown Abort the checkpoint is same in datafile header and control file it means database is consistance and it is clean shutdown. If the checkpoint is not same at both locations then instance recovery required at next startup.

I hope it will clear your doughts.


  • Nov 20th, 2006

the question is steps of shutdown the database not the types of shutdown of database, these are two different questions.

steps are

close the database

dismount the database

and shutdown the instance

types of shutdown of databses are

1. shutdown normal

2. shutdown transactional

3. shutdown immediate

4. shutdown abort

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Chiranjeevi Manne

  • Mar 30th, 2007

Types of oracle instance shutdown:
4. SHUTDOWN ABORT --> Needs Database Recovery.

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Mohammed Abdul Afroze

  • Sep 19th, 2007

The steps involved in database shutdown are as follows:

1. Shutdown
Shutdown Transaction
3. Shutdown Immediate
4. Shutdown Abort

Shutdown: This is a Normal Shutdown. Only SYSDBA gets the privilege to shutdown the database.
Shutdown Transactional: This is also a graceful shutdown. It will wait until all the users ends their session.
Shutdown Immediate: This is also an graceful shutdown. It will rollback all the transactions if it is not committed.
Shutdown abort: This is also an ungraceful shutdown. Memory wont be


  • Oct 19th, 2007

  Shutting Down Database: 

Shutdown ModeAITN
Allow New ConnectionsXXXX
Wait until current session endsXXXO
Wait until current transaction endsXXOO
Force a check point and close filesXOOO

N-Normal, T-Transactional, I-Immediate & A-Abort





  • Oct 25th, 2007

There are the following steps of shutting down the database and it's associated instance:

1)Close the database.
2) Unmount the database.
3)Shut down the instance.

1) Close a database:
When we close the database, oracle writes all the data and recovery data in the SGA to the datafiles and redo log files. Next orcale close all online datafiles and redo log files.
Any offline datafiles of any offline tablespace have been closed already.

2) Unmount the database:

After the database has been closed, Oracle unmount the database to diassociate it from its instance. At this point, instance remains in the memory of the computer.
After the database is unmounted, Oracle closes the control files of the database.

3) Shut down an Instance:

The final step in the shut down the database is the shutting down an instance, The SGA is removed from the memory and the background processes are terminated.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Jul 19th, 2011

Before shut down better to take up the back up of the database and then disconnect the database and then shutdown the database

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  • Feb 5th, 2015

1.does not allow New user
2.conditions(shutdown immediate or transnational or abort)
3.logswitch activity
4.close the data file header and control file header for read and write
5.when the instance and database will be disconnect

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