While performing regression testing, if in the new build we get lesser controls on a form as compared to the early build, then WR doesn't show any error, just a context sensitive error in the end, showing that the control was missing. I used a checkpoint on that control so that the checkpoint should fail if the control was not in the next build but that doesn't happen. The test status is Pass, the checkpoint is not checked. In this scenario can anyone tell me how am I supposed to perform regression when I cannot check that some controls are missing in my application? Please help.

Questions by eiman

Showing Answers 1 - 1 of 1 Answers


  • Aug 2nd, 2007

Try using the
if( object_exists (<obj_name>) == "Y")
   report the obj exists in the results
   report ob does not exist

do this against all objects and this will verify the objets in each build.
Simple even, to write a simple function to which u pass the <obejctName> and it will return u a flag syaing whether it exists or not.


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