Yardi software pvt. Ltd. Software tester Questions

Please explain the answer if anybody knows exact.

1. What is the Waterfall model and spiral model? With diagram.
2. Write down about the bug life cycle with diagram.
3. What is the Configuration Management?
4. What is the test bed?
5. What is the Verification and Validation?
6. Write three test cases on the mobile with completely test case format?
7. Write the complete bug-tracking format.
8. What is the difference between web application & client/server application?
9. What is the cursor in PL/SQL?
10. What is the index in SQL?
11. What is the difference between Char and Varchar2 data type in SQL?
12. How many types of Constraint in SQL?

Questions by sourav.muduli

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Feb 24th, 2007

water fall model: the model is also known as software development life cycle model  (or)linear sequential model.
                      this model is follwable in company when the customer requirments are clear& complete.

spiral model:this model is follble when the customer requirements are enhancing. in this model companies are developing multiple versions of one soft ware

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1.The sequential model used to be very popular method in software testing projects. The term waterfall is used to the fact that the diagram resembles one USER REQUIREMENTS
FIXEDBUG lifecycle or Defect life cycle starts when the bug or defect is found. Initially the status of defect is OPEN. Then the defect will be assigned to developer to fix.
2.Then the status of the defect will be assigned when the developer fix the defect the status will be fixed. Then the fix will be assigned to tester to retest the fix. Then the status is COMPLETED. If the tester finds a defect again then the status of defect is OPEN if not then it is CLOSE.
3.Configuration Management in detail the total configuration (i.e., Hardware, Software, Services and Supplies) at any time in the lifecycle of each system to which it is applied together with any changes or enhancements that are proposed or in course of being implemented. It provides traceability of changes through the lifecycle of each system and across associated systems or group of systems. It therefore permits the retrospective reconstruction of a system wherever necessary.
4.In software testing, the hardware and software requirements are known as the testbed. This is also known as the test environment
5.Verification is the process confirming that something the software meets its specification. Validation is the process confirming that it meets the user requirements

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Test cases for Mobile phone

1. Verify the bettery is inserted into mobile
2. Verify Switch on / Switch off of the Mobile
3. Verify to insert the SIM into the phone
4. Verify to Add a contact number & name
5. Verify the incoming call, out going call
6. Verify the call history
7. Verify to send SMS & receive message
8. Verify the inbox, Outbox

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