Explain the managerial features that must be possessed by project manager?

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Naim Siddiqui

  • Jun 20th, 2007

Any manager should have following qualities - Communication skill, Patience, Leadership skill, Presentation skill, Listen to others and Knowladge sharing.

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(Since other subscribers have answered most of the other points, I am covering only what is left out. )

To put it in one line, any PM, or even any manager for that matter should be capitalistic in brain and socialistic at heart.

To elaborate on the above statement, a PM should stay on top of the work and get it done keeping in mind the triple constraints and not compromise on the work. They should be firm and determined when it comes to getting the work done.

But at the same time, they should be very generous when it comes to rewarding and praising the team.

A PM should also learn to separate the people from the problem. Feedback, be it positive or negative, should be directed at the behaviour and not at the person.
For eg :
   Positive feedback :

      I am very happy that you solved the problem quickly. That's great (Correct).
      I am very happy with you. You solved the problem quickly. You are great. (Incorrect).

   Negative feedback :
     I am concerned that you came late to the meeting and that you did not raise the issue on time. (Correct).
     You came late to the meeting. You also did not raise the issue on time. I am upset with you. (Incorrect).

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Choose an optimal solution for the following tasks assigned to you:

1) Customer is expecting a lot from this project and have already communicated to you while awarding this project.
2) Your employer/boss expects you to deliver a high quality deliverable to the customer which could create a better reference to the company and generate maximum possible revenue to the company.
3) Your team members trust you to be the best guy to guide them in proper direction.

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