1.why WHITE BOX TESTING is also known by the following names? a) GLASS BOX TESTING b) CLEAR BOX TESTING c) OPEN BOX TESTING d) STRUCTURAL TESTING 2. which of the following testing is least expensive and why? a) WHITE BOX TESTING b) VERIFICATION TESTING c) BLACK BOX TESTING d) VALADIATION TESTING

Questions by Sandeep Koul   answers by Sandeep Koul

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers

well its is very sorry to say that i posted my question on the site with this hope that i will come up with some fast comments from the experts but unfortunately there has been no response , i posted my question on 01st feb. 2007 , but i believe either my question is stupid one or there is nothing in stores so that my query could be entertained .

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priya chivukula

  • Feb 6th, 2007

Whit Box testing uses internal perspective of the system to design test case based on internal structure. It is called clear box testing because it allows the developer to peek inside the box and focus on using internal knowledge of the software to guide the selection of test data.The code is considered as big glass box or clear box by developer who can see inside the box.

Anil Jonnala

  • Feb 8th, 2007

Hello friend,
Never feel desperate since you did not get a answer from the forum. People who do find some time may be answering your questions.

Please find below the clarification to your question.

1.why WHITE BOX TESTING is also known by the following names?
Let me first tell you one thing...
Until a few years back there is no universal standard for testing definiations or testing procedures....
Now we have some standards as par with testing...
Right now we have two standards for testing..
1. BS7925-2 and ISO.
So, before this standarization people used to use different naming conventions to white box testing...
If you clearly look into the works you will get the meaning is standarized.
White Box _ YOu are going to test something like a white box in which you know what is present inside the box...so as the other definiations also....I hope this gives you some idea...Coming to your second question..

2. which of the following testing is least expensive and why?
See, basically testing is of two types...
in which validation and verification.
Verificaiton is process oriented and static.
Validation is product oriented and dynamic.
Obivsoulsy when you like to do dyanaic testing, the effort would be high as so cost.
when you just doing verification or static testing the effort need is very low and cost is also low..

Hima Bindu

  • Feb 22nd, 2007

Dear freind,
It is late to reply you but i just got an answer for your first question.If you feel it is correct you can follow it.
White box testing is known as :
Glass Box testing because it is as clear as the glass .In this testing the developer is only in testin the code. i.e testing is done on the code which is nothing but the structure of the functionality. The glass is so clear that we can see the inner lying part of it. Hence also it is called as Clear Box testing. The code is open for the developer so it is called as Open Box testing.It is also called as Structural testing because the testing is done on the coding part of the application.

Than Q

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  • Feb 28th, 2007

i have one more wxample on whitebox and blackbox testing.


suppose, in aquarium there is a fish with a wound; and u tries to catch the fish to do some hospitality. we can easily catch. because we can see the motion of the fish and also the position of fish to catch. the water and glass is very clear to see the position of fish wound. this process is called white box testing

but in black box, if we wrap a black paper to the aquarium and wanted to catch the fish, as we know that there is a fish but we donot know the position of the fish. the process of catching a fish in the non-transparent aquaruim box is blackbox testing.

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  • Mar 14th, 2007

White box is also known as clear box because think of something that is white ... ok ... can you "see thru" it?  No. Tad-da! Welcome to Clear Box testing.


  • Sep 2nd, 2007

Generally whitebox testing means testing the application having internal structural knowledge apart from the functional knowledge. That means the one who is doing this testing knows what is happening in the front screen & also knows what is happening behind the screens. This is like seeing inside things in a glass box there by this is also called as glassbox testing.

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  • Nov 20th, 2007

White box: if one performs testing on structural part of application then that method testing is know as white box testing. Usually developers are white box testers performing testing

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